Physical Education and Exercise Science
Associate in Science (A.S.)
Curriculum Requirements
As a student in this program, you are required to complete a minimum of 60-61 credit hours with a grade point average of no lower than C (2.0). For this degree program, you must successfully complete the following:
Program Core
HPE-110 | PhysicalConditioning | 1 |
HPE-117 | Basic Weight Training | 1 |
HPE-136 | Introduction to Adventure Learning | 1 |
HPE-187 | Introduction to Physical Education and Coaching | 3 |
HPE-190 | Care and Prevention of Athletic Injuries | 3 |
HPE-227 | Physiology of Exercise | 4 |
HPE- | Health and Physical Education Electives | 3 |
NS-115 | Introduction to Nutrition | 3 |
Complete one of the following:
BIO-110 | Fundamentals of Human Anatomy and Physiology | 3 |
| And | |
BIO-110L | Fundamentals of Anatomy & Physiology Lab | 1 |
| Or | |
BIO-171 | Human Anatomy and Physiology I | 4 |
Complete one of the following:
General Education
Complete one of the following:
PSY-205 | Adolescent Psychology | 3 |
| Or | |
PSY-225 | Child Psychology | 3 |
| Or | |
EDU-200 | Foundations of American Education | 3 |
Complete one of the following:
-US History | SUNY General Education approved course in US History and Civic Engagement | 3 |
| Or | |
-World History | SUNY General Education approved course in World History and Global Awareness | 3 |
Sample Schedule
The schedule below shows how the requirements for this degree may be met in four semesters. For some students, fulfilling degree requirements may take more than four semesters to complete. When planning your schedule, you should consult with your advisor.
First Semester (15 Credit Hours)
ENG-101 | Composition I | 3 |
HPE-187 | Introduction to Physical Education and Coaching | 3 |
HPE-190 | Care and Prevention of Athletic Injuries | 3 |
PSY-100 | Introduction to Psychology | 3 |
-Oral Communication | SUNY General Education approved course in Oral Communication | 3 |
Second Semester (15 Credit Hours)
Complete one of the following:
BIO-110 | Fundamentals of Human Anatomy and Physiology | 3 |
| And | |
BIO-110L | Fundamentals of Anatomy & Physiology Lab | 1 |
| Or | |
BIO-171 | Human Anatomy and Physiology I | 4 |
Complete one of the following:
PSY-205 | Adolescent Psychology | 3 |
| Or | |
PSY-225 | Child Psychology | 3 |
| Or | |
EDU-200 | Foundations of American Education | 3 |
Third Semester (15-16 Credit Hours)
MAT-121 | Introductory Statistics I | 3 |
CSC- | Computing Science Electives | 2 |
- | General Electives | 3 |
HPE- | Health and Physical Education (HPE) Electives | 1 |
Complete one of the following:
Complete one of the following:
-US History | SUNY General Education approved course in US History and Civic Engagement | 3 |
| Or | |
-World History | SUNY General Education approved course in World History and Global Awareness | 3 |
Fourth Semester (15 Credit Hours)
HPE-136 | Introduction to Adventure Learning | 1 |
HPE-227 | Physiology of Exercise | 4 |
HCS-270 | Ethical Considerations in Health Care | 3 |
-World Language | SUNY General Education approved course in World Language | 3 |
- | General Electives | 2 |
HPE- | Health and Physical Education Electives | 2 |
Program Learning Outcomes
All students graduating from the A.S. Physical Education and Exercise Science program will be able to:
- Observe and evaluate patterns of movement related to sport, exercise, and fitness.
- Analyze a situation to prevent or evaluate a physical injury.
- Advocate for a lifetime of physical activity using their knowledge or wellness.
- Describe fundamental concepts, skills, and certifications essential to the physical education and exercise science fields.