MAT-152 Pre-Calculus (Survey of Functions II)

This course is a continuation of the study of families of functions from those included in MAT 145, Survey of Functions I. Exponential, logarithmic, trigonometric/sinusoidal, and rational functions are analyzed in depth. Embedded within the study of each of these families are composition, decomposition, and the creation of inverse functions. An introduction to limit notation is used to describe both long and short run behavior. The use of realistic applications and modeling with these families of functions is an essential element of this course. Emphasis on multiple methods of solving equations (algebraic, graphic, and numeric) is included as are multiple representations (algebraic, graphic, numeric, and verbal) of mathematical information. This course carries SUNY General Education Mathematics (and Quantitative Reasoning) credit.




MAT-145 with a C- or Higher or Placement into Math Level 3 or Higher

Lecture Contact Hours


Lab Contact Hours


Other Contact Hours



  • Mathematics

Grading Scheme

  • Letter

SUNY Gen Ed Credit

  • Yes