HPE-260 Kinetics of Exercise and Sport

This course is a requirement for all students enrolled in the AS Kinesiology and Human Performance, and AS Physical Education and Exercise Science programs. In addition, this course is appropriate for students intending to transfer to pursue a degree in sports medicine (e.g. athletic training, exercise science, and physical/occupational therapy). Students will be introduced to simple patterns of movement and progress to the analysis of complex motor skills that comprise the biomechanical and kinesiological basis of movement in exercise and sport. Topics include the musculoskeletal and neurological components of human anatomy; isolated and combined joint actions; and basic physics principles related to movement.




BIO-110 or BIO-171 with a grade of C or higher

Lecture Contact Hours


Lab Contact Hours


Other Contact Hours



  • Health Science and Human Performance

Grading Scheme

  • Letter

SUNY Gen Ed Credit

  • No