BUS-250 Business Internship

The internship course allows the student to gain supervised practical experience working in a setting related to the student’s area of Business interest. The course provides students with an on-the-job experience consisting of a minimum of 135 hours of supervised activity at an appropriate business firm, institution or agency. This work experience, along with the academic program, will enrich the theoretical concepts developed in the classroom and enable the student to prepare for entrance into a competitive work environment. There is an additional in-class component for students to share their experience and discuss lessons learned. Based upon faculty recommendation, this course may be taken twice for credit.




Completion of 30 credit hours toward a degree with a minimum grade point average of 2.0 or permission of instructor.

Lecture Contact Hours


Lab Contact Hours


Other Contact Hours



  • Business

Grading Scheme

  • Letter

SUNY Gen Ed Credit

  • No