Course Audit

Auditing a course allows a student to take a course while receiving neither a grade nor credit. A student who audits a course does so for the purposes of self-enrichment and academic exploration. Students register to audit a course through the established registration procedures, only upon the approval of the instructor of record, and may change status from “auditing” to “registered for credit” or from “registered for credit” to “auditing” only before the day transcripting withdrawals would occur. The auditing student will be responsible for all tuition and fees for the course (except senior citizen auditors), supplying the college with an updated Certificate of Residence (except senior citizen auditors) and for meeting the college Immunization requirements (as required by NYS Public Health Law 2165). In all cases, the instructor of record is encouraged to discuss with the potential auditor expectations regarding the level of participation of an auditor, responsibilities of the instructor to the auditor (i.e., grading of and assistance with coursework), and specific limitations, if any, on class participation.

Senior Citizen Auditors: persons who have reached the age of 60 are permitted to audit courses, per New York State legislation, “without tuition, examination, grading or credit,” on a space-available basis. Senior citizen auditor registration will begin the first day the course section meets and requires the approval of the instructor of record.