Independent Study at Finger Lakes Community College

Independent Study is available to students under circumstances including but not limited to:

  • A course needed for graduation that is not available during the student’s final semester
  • A prerequisite course that is not available
  • A student wishes to pursue a special research project under the guidance of a faculty advisor

In all cases, an instructor must agree to teach an Independent Study course and the AVP for Instruction must approve the creation of the Independent Study course. Independent Study for existing courses must follow the department syllabus and course learning outcomes. Independent Study requests for a special research project must identify the student learning outcomes and the expected credit hours to be awarded. Independent Study courses carry an additional fee. Please refer to the Tuition and Fee Schedule. The credit hours earned from an Independent Study course will be included in the student’s regular semester load and will not be treated differently for graduation requirements. An Independent Study may be initiated by either the student or the faculty/administration.