Academic Probation

When a student fails to meet the Standards of Progress, the student is placed on academic probation. Academic probation serves as a warning that a student is in serious academic jeopardy. At the conclusion of the probationary semester, the student may 1) move to good academic standing if progress is achieved according to the intervals noted in the table above, 2) continue on academic probation if progress is shown towards meeting the Standards of Progress, or 3) be academically dismissed if progress is not shown towards meeting the Standards of Progress (refer to Academic Dismissal, below). Students who have been placed on academic probation will meet with their faculty advisor or a staff member in the Office of Academic Advising, Career and Transfer Services to discuss the requirements for good academic standing. A student on academic probation is limited to 13 credit hours unless a Probation Overload Request is filed with, and approved by, the AVP of Instruction or Student Affairs. Probation Overload Request forms are available online at