Grading System

The following grades, as well as plus and minus grades, are awarded in credit courses for which quality points are computed. Imputed Credit courses are not used in calculating semester or cumulative GPAs and are not applicable toward graduation but follow all other procedures.

  • "A"  An honor grade given for work of excellence and distinction

  • "B" Represents work of consistently high quality

  • "C" Represents work of average quality, within broad ranges, which meets the essential requirements of the course

  • "D" Indicates some evidence of accomplishment meeting the minimum requirement for the award of course credit. A "D" grade does not meet pre-requisite requirements.

  • "F" Student’s academic accomplishment does not meet minimum requirements for the awarding of course credit.

The following grades are available only for those courses designated as being graded on a satisfactory/unsatisfactory grading scheme:

  • "S" Satisfactory completion of the course requirements

  • "U" Student’s academic accomplishment does not meet minimum requirements for the awarding of course credit

The following symbols may be used for credit or non-credit courses. These are not counted toward graduation:

  • "NA" Never Attended
    Occurs when a student never attends any meeting of a course as defined by federal financial aid standards. NA is instructor-initiated and is not calculated in the student’s grade point average.

  • "W" Official Withdrawal
    Official withdrawals are initiated by the student. Withdrawal from a course or courses before 20% of the scheduled meeting time has passed will result in no transcript record. Official withdraw from one or more courses after this point, without penalty to a student’s grade point average, is permitted within the time frames detailed below, resulting in a W symbol being recorded. If a student wishes to withdraw from all of his/her in-process courses at the college he/she should contact Academic Advising, Career and Transfer Services to discuss the impact of withdrawal. The student then submits the Online Withdrawal from All Courses form. The date the form is received is the official date of withdrawal.

  • "I" Incomplete
    This temporary grade indicates that a student was unable to complete a portion of the course work by the end of the semester due to extenuating circumstances. This grade is assigned at the discretion of the instructor by following the procedure outlined in the Grading procedures. The deadline for completing incomplete work is at the instructor’s discretion but will not exceed one calendar year. After the student has completed the work, the instructor of record follows the standard Change of Grade procedure to change the “I” to the appropriate grade. After grades are transcripted, an "I" – Incomplete – may be assigned through the completion and processing of an Incomplete Grade Contract with the addition of the standard grade change process. The student will be notified when any grade change occurs.

  • "X" Administrative Withdrawal
    Students will be administratively withdrawn if they fail to provide proof of immunity and acknowledgment of meningococcal meningitis vaccine information as required by New York State Public Health Law 2165 and Health Law 2167. A grade of “X” will not be calculated in the student’s grade point average and cannot be used toward graduation.

  • "AW" Conduct Withdrawal
    According to the Student Code of Conduct, should a student be sanctioned for conduct reasons leading to a suspension or dismissal before completion of their current term/semester, a symbol of AW will be recorded for all courses affected. See the Student Code of Conduct, “Sanctions”, for more information. Once a student’s appeal process is exhausted as outlined in the Code of Conduct and Grievance Procedures, the Director of Community Standards will notify the Registrar in writing to place the AW on the student’s record. Like the "W" symbol, courses in which a student received an AW symbol will not be used to calculate GPA.

  • "MW" Medical Withdrawal
    Indicates that a student withdrew from some or all courses that they were enrolled in for a given semester for documented medical or psychological reasons. To have "MW" symbols recorded for a semester, a student must first withdraw from courses (see above) during the period each semester that they are able to do so. Students must then submit a medical withdrawal petition to have the "W" symbol changed to "MW". Petitions must be accompanied by supporting documentation from a licensed health care provider. Petitions may be submitted at the time of withdrawal, but no later than the fourth week of the subsequent semester following the withdrawal. Like the "W" symbol, courses in which a student received an "MW" symbol will not be used to calculate GPA.

  • "AU" Audit
    Auditing a course allows a student to take a course while receiving neither a grade nor credit. A student who audits a course does so for the purposes of self-enrichment and academic exploration. Students register to audit a course through the established registration procedures, only upon the approval of the instructor of record, and may change status from “auditing” to “registered for credit” or from “registered for credit” to “auditing” only before the day transcripting withdrawals would occur. The auditing student will be responsible for all tuition and fees for the course (except senior citizen auditors), supplying the college with an updated Certificate of Residence (except senior citizen auditors) and for meeting the college Immunization requirements (as required by NYS Public Health Law 2165). In all cases, the instructor of record is encouraged to discuss with the potential auditor expectations regarding the level of participation of an auditor, responsibilities of the instructor to the auditor (i.e., grading of and assistance with coursework), and specific limitations, if any, on class participation. Senior Citizen Auditors: persons who have reached the age of 60 are permitted to audit courses, per New York State legislation, “without tuition, examination, grading or credit,” on a space-available basis. Senior citizen auditor registration will begin the first day the course section meets and requires the approval of the instructor of record.

  • "T" Transfer Credit
    A symbol used on some internal reports to indicate credit applied to an FLCC degree that was earned through an external source, including transfer credit from other colleges, credit by exam, portfolio review, or other prior learning experiences. Grades are not recorded for such credit on official transcripts, and do not affect GPA.