Fresh Start Policy

Finger Lakes Community College has instituted an institution specific policy recognizing the fact that some students may attend the College prior to being ready to pursue a college education. Students may attend a semester or two and receive failing or near failing grades. Often the student may stop attending and return many years later only to have the grades from their previous academic endeavor negatively impact their current academic standing.

Students returning to Finger Lakes Community College after an absence may petition to have their prior work excluded from their current Grade Point Average (GPA) calculation. If a student is granted a Fresh Start, the transcript will be modified as follows: grades of S (satisfactory) and C- or better will not be calculated in the GPA but the credit will count towards graduation requirements. The courses and grades would remain on the transcript to reflect an accurate academic history. Courses with grades of D+, D, D-, F, and U will also remain on the transcript to reflect an accurate academic history, but the grades would no longer be calculated into the GPA, and the credit would no longer count towards graduation requirements. All prior coursework will continue to be considered when determining Financial Aid eligibility. Students who have been away from the College for five or more years may be granted a “Fresh Start” by petitioning the AVP of Instruction or Student Affairs. If a student has less than a five-year absence from the College but has extenuating circumstances that warrant a Fresh Start, the student may also petition the AVP of Instruction or Student Affairs. Students can be granted only one Fresh Start petition during their academic career at Finger Lakes Community College and must petition no later than the fourth week of the semester following their second semester back at FLCC.

Greater consideration will be given to candidates demonstrating a large disparity between prior and current academic performance. Students should be aware that Fresh Start petitions which would remove from GPA calculations acceptable grades (C- or better) from GPA calculations are unlikely to be granted. Students are discouraged from submitting petitions in an attempt to qualify for scholarships, join organizations, or enter certain academic programs.

  1. The student will obtain a Fresh Start form online, from the College website and submit the completed form.
  2. The AVP of Instruction or AVP of Student Affairs will determine—within five business days—if there is merit for a Fresh Start.
    1. If there is merit to the case, the AVP of Instruction or AVP of Student Affairs will forward the petition to the Academic Grievance Board for a decision.
    2. If there is no merit, the AVP of Instruction or AVP of Student Affairs will notify the student in writing of the decision.
  3. The Academic Grievance Board will have 15 business days to review and make a determination. The Academic Grievance Board’s decision is final.
  4. The student will be notified of the decision of the Academic Grievance Board within five business days.
  5. Student Records is notified of the outcome and grades are changed accordingly.

All documents will be retained by Student Records and stored in accordance with the record retention policy.
Finger Lakes Community College (FLCC) recognizes the fact that some students may attend the College prior to being actually ready to pursue a college education. Students may attend a semester or two and receive failing or near failing grades. Often the student may stop attending and return many years later only to have the grades from his/her previous academic endeavor negatively impact his/her current academic work.

Students returning to FLCC after an absence may petition to have their prior work excluded from their current cumulative grade point average (CGPA). A student who has been away from the College for five or more years may file a petition for a Fresh Start. If a student has less than a five-year absence from the College, but has extenuating circumstances that warrant a Fresh Start, the student may also petition the AVP of Student Affairs, with appropriate documentation. The AVP of Student Affairs may refer the petition to the Committee on Academic Standing who will consider the petition based on the documentation submitted. If the petition is approved, the student will be granted a Fresh Start.

If a student is granted a Fresh Start, the transcript will be modified as follows: grades of S (satisfactory) and C- or better will not be calculated in the CGPA, but the credit will count towards graduation requirements. The courses and grades would remain on the transcript to reflect an accurate academic history. Courses with grades of D+, D, D-, F, and U will also remain on the transcript to reflect an accurate academic history, but the grades would no longer be calculated into the CGPA, and the credit would no longer count towards graduation requirements.

Students can be granted only one Fresh Start petition during their academic career at Finger Lakes Community College and should petition during the first academic year of their return to college.