Technical Theatre Microcredential

The microcredential in Technical Theatre is designed to prepare students for a wide range of careers within theatre operations and production. The hands-on curriculum includes a foundation of applied skills within technical theatre including backstage personnel skills, as well as hands-on experience working on live theatre productions and events. Students who acquire the credential can enter the workforce with positions such as sound engineer, lighting technician, carpenter, scenic painter, stage crew, stage management, and wardrobe crew in a range of settings that include live theatre and music venues, churches, video production and film, conferences and conventions, amusement parks and casinos.

Curriculum Requirements

For this microcredential, you must successfully complete the following:

Microcredential Core

THE-100Introduction to Theater Production/Technology


THE-115Backstage Practicum


THE-215Scene Shop Practicum


Complete one of the following:

THE-250Theatre Internship



MUS-290Sound Reinforcement and Live Recording Techniques