Curriculum Requirements
As a student in this program, you are required to complete a minimum of 32 credit hours with a grade point average of no lower than C (2.0). For this certificate, you must successfully complete:
AGR-100 | Soil Science | 3 |
BIO-251 | Plant Structure and Function | 4 |
HRT-110 | Introduction to Horticulture | 3 |
HRT-150 | Herbaceous Plant Materials | 3 |
HRT-151 | Woody Plant Materials | 3 |
HRT-220 | Field Experiences in Horticulture | 2 |
- | Approved Horticulture Electives* | 6 |
Complete one of the following:
CON-103 | Environmental Science | 4 |
| Or | |
HRT-280 | Field Entomology with Integrated Pest Management | 4 |
Complete one of the following:
*Based on the sequence of courses listed, the individual may specialize in (1) plant protection, (2) general horticulture, or (3) landscaping. Students should contact their faculty advisor for courses required in each specialization.
Sample Schedule
The schedule below shows how the requirements for this certificate may be met in two semesters. For some students, fulfilling certificate requirements may take more than two semesters to complete. When planning your schedule, you should consult with your advisor.
First Semester (16 Credit Hours)
AGR-100 | Soil Science | 3 |
HRT-150 | Herbaceous Plant Materials | 3 |
HRT-110 | Introduction to Horticulture | 3 |
- | Approved Horticulture Electives | 3 |
Complete one of the following:
Second Semester (16 Credit Hours)
BIO-251 | Plant Structure and Function | 4 |
HRT-151 | Woody Plant Materials | 3 |
HRT-220 | Field Experiences in Horticulture | 2 |
- | Approved Horticulture Electives | 3 |
Complete one of the following:
CON-103 | Environmental Science | 4 |
| Or | |
HRT-280 | Field Entomology with Integrated Pest Management | 4 |