SST-231 Smart Systems Technologies

The 4th industrial revolution of Cyberphysical systems, also known as Industrial Internet of Things (IIOT), is emerging from the 3rd industrial revolution spanning past 50 years which combined use of computers with robots. Students are introduced to characteristics of Cyberphysical smart systems; and the role automation technologists play in prototyping, installation and maintenance of diverse systems in industrial ecosystems. Emerging smart systems technologies such as additive manufacturing, nanotechnology, MEMS, photonics, smart manufacturing, industrial cybersecurity, bigdata, artificial intelligence, and augmented virtual reality will be introduced. Student learn how the automation of data acquisition, analysis and control is essential for R&D as well as in digital transformation of industrial environments. The main topics covered are sources of signals, selection of appropriate transducers, and signal conditioning needed before signal is converted to digital format for Cyberphysical data acquisition as required inputs for smart system technologies.




MAT-152 or placement in Math Level 4, SST-174, TECH-122, TECH-123

Lecture Contact Hours


Lab Contact Hours


Other Contact Hours



  • Science & Technology

Grading Scheme

  • Letter

SUNY Gen Ed Credit

  • No