HRT-102 First Year Experience in Horticulture

HRT 102 introduces first-year students within the Horticulture program to the foundational ideas, resources, and strategies upon which students can build their academic successes. Students will explore and practice essential skills such as critical and creative thinking, metacognition, resource literacy, self-advocacy and reflection, and study strategies. HRT 102 is also intended to acquaint students with classroom expectations within the Horticulture program and the social, financial, and emotional challenges students often face across their college experience. Students will examine learning and professional resources at FLCC - including information and technology, applied learning and internships, and mental and physical health - while time and space will be provided for students to develop interpersonal skills and positive relationships within their peer group. The course will also establish program-level classroom expectations and examine the social, financial, and emotional challenges students often will face across their experience at FLCC. Upon completion, students will have crafted a multi-year academic and professional plan.





Lecture Contact Hours


Lab Contact Hours


Other Contact Hours



  • Environmental Conservation and Horticulture

Grading Scheme

  • Letter

SUNY Gen Ed Credit

  • No