CON-233 Laws for the Use and Protection of Water and Land Resources

This course focuses on Local, New York State and Federal Laws for the protection of water resources and land use. Students will study New York State Environmental Conservation Law as it relates to the management of water resources, protection of freshwater and tidal wetlands, and regulation of mining and energy exploration. Students will study the New York State Environmental Quality Review Act (SEQRA) process and the Federal Clean Water Act, landowner rights and liabilities. Legal processes for the introduction of new laws and the enforcement of current laws will be discussed in depth. Students will be introduced to potential careers through the study of local, state and federal regulatory agencies charged with protection and wise use of water and land resources. Instruction methods include lecture, class discussion and guest speakers.



Lecture Contact Hours


Lab Contact Hours


Other Contact Hours



  • Environmental Conservation and Horticulture

Grading Scheme

  • Letter

SUNY Gen Ed Credit

  • No