Emergency and Fire Evacuation

Areas of Refuge

In an emergency requiring building evacuation, people with mobility or visual impairment issues may not be able to evacuate without help. There are designated areas of refuge that provide protection where individuals with mobility issues may wait until assistance is available from emergency responders. Individuals should wait in the designated area of refuge away from the path of traffic and push the 911 call box located within the area of refuge to communicate directly with the 911 operator.

Emergency responders will respond to the areas of refuge to assist with evacuation. If the hazard becomes life-threatening before emergency responders arrive, move immediately into the stairwell and close all doors. If you are unable to respond to the nearest area of refuge or if you have to retreat to a different location, make sure you contact 911.

Areas of refuge on main campus can be found:

Second Floor:

Canandaigua Wing, main stairwell
Library, outside stairwell


Third Floor:

Canandaigua Wing, main stairwell
Library, stairwell


Fourth Floor:

Canandaigua Wing, main stairwell


Buddy System

During emergencies, people with mobility issues may need assistance with evacuating a building. If there is someone whose mobility is restricted, simply ask them if they need help. Classmates may use the buddy system when evacuating the building. A buddy can assist by guiding an individual to a stairwell, waiting until clear passage is established, and helping them down the stairs.


Elevators should not be used during an emergency. Individuals unable to travel stairs should move to an area of refuge and wait for emergency responders.


If you have questions, please email or call disabilityservices@flcc.edu or 585.785.1441. Your safety is our priority. Look for the Emergency Evacuation Routes and Areas of Refuge posted throughout the College and as always, call 911 if you need assistance.