Computer Resources

The College’s extensive computer facilities for student use consist of more than 1000 computer systems at the Canandaigua, Geneva, Victor, and Newark Campus Centers, the Muller Field Station, and FLCC’s Viticulture and Wine Technology Center. Each lab or classroom has computers, software, and peripherals tailored to the needs of the classes held there.

  • Wireless access to the internet is available for registered students, guests, and staff at all campus locations.
  • All computer labs are equipped with Windows compatible Intel or Macintosh systems which access laser printers or multi-function copiers, the internet, email, and the internal network. All registered students are provided with web-based student email, local network accounts with data storage, access to the FLCC wireless network and off-campus access to library databases.
  • Computer science classes use three computer labs for their course work with standard office suite and design suite applications, game programming, web development, business applications programming, database development, networking, and programming.
  • Business classes meet in two computer labs for their work with standard office suite applications and other software for accounting, paralegal training, office automation, word processing, and travel/ tourism management.
  • In the Science Department, laptops and desktop computers with specialized software are available in five labs and two classrooms for use by students in biology, engineering, chemistry, and physics classes.
  • Students in Mechanical Technology or other sciences use CAD applications, GIS, and various engineering programs installed in specific student labs.
  • The graphic design studio features the most current industry standards, including 20 high-end Apple workstations with a complete suite of design, web and imaging software. This area also features a large format color printer, photo printers, black and white laser printer, film scanner, flatbed scanner, 3-D printers, cutting machines and a non-toxic mounting area.
  • The Nursing Department maintains a lab with specialized multimedia programs for nursing instruction. Additional stations in the nursing skills lab simulate centralized record keeping in a typical clinical environment.
  • Math classes meet in a computer lab for statistics and calculus courses, in addition to standard office suite applications and other specialized math programs.
  • Two computer labs are available at the FLCC Geneva Campus Center, providing all programs needed by the classes that meet there. Additional systems provide for individual tutorial activities and adaptive access.
  • One computer lab is available at the FLCC Newark Campus Center, providing all programs needed by the classes that meet there. Additional systems provide for individual tutorial activities and adaptive access.
  • Five computer labs at the FLCC Victor Campus Center provide all programs needed by the classes that meet there. Additional systems provide for academic support efforts.
  • Computerized assistance with research tasks is available in the main campus library. Registered students may also borrow laptop computers for use in the library. The library maintains a hands-on lab for group instruction in search techniques. Additional computers provide access to other libraries, information systems, and remote databases. Registered students and college staff can access the library’s online databases from the internet.
  • Specialized Macintosh systems for student instruction in performing arts are located in the music wing, the media lab, the keyboarding lab and the theater lab.
  • The Academic Support Center on Main Campus uses a computer lab with software for tutorial activities and other special needs. The systems also have standard office suite software, math applications, and programming languages as needed for peer tutoring or other individual assistance.
  • Two open labs are available on Main Campus for students to work on assignments when their regular classroom lab is in use for other classes. Systems in this lab have most of the software that are used in classes. One of these labs has accommodations for students who bring their own devices to school and who may need to charge their device or work collaboratively with other students.
  • A multimedia lab may be reserved on an ad hoc basis for occasional use by classes which do not ordinarily meet in a computer lab. It is available for open use when not reserved for a class meeting.
  • Loaner laptops are available through the IT Helpdesk ( for short-term use during an academic year.