Eligibility Requirements

To be eligible for financial aid at Finger Lakes Community College (FLCC), students must first apply for admission to the College. 


Eligibility Requirements for Federal Aid

To be eligible for federal financial aid at Finger Lakes Community College, a student must satisfy general eligibility requirements.  The financial aid office is responsible for ensuring that each student has met the federal eligibility requirements before awarding federal Title IV funds. 

Students are required to:

  • Be a regular student enrolled or accepted for enrollment in an eligible program at FLCC;
  • Be a U.S. Citizen or national, or eligible non-citizen;
  • Have a correct Social Security Number;
  • Have a high school diploma or recognized equivalent of a high school diploma;
  • Not be enrolled simultaneously in elementary or secondary school;
  • Meet Satisfactory Academic Progress; 
  • Not be in default on a Title IV loan or owe a Title IV grant or loan overpayment;
  • Not have borrowed in excess of annual or aggregate Title IV loan limits;
  • Not have an Unusual Enrollment History Flag on a Student Aid Report (SAR)
  • Have financial need;
  • Sign statements on the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) stating that he or she will use Title IV aid only to pay educational expenses and that he or she is not in default on a federal student loan and does not owe money on a federal student grant;  
  • Have repaid Title IV funds obtained fraudulently;
  • Not have property subject to a judgment lien for a debt owed to the United States.


Eligible Programs of Study at FLCC

To be eligible for federal aid at Finger Lakes Community College, students are required to be degree-seeking and must enroll in coursework required for that degree.  Non-degree-seeking students are not eligible for federal financial aid.

Students who would like to change the degree they are seeking should contact the One-Stop Center or their Professional Academic Advisor. 


Verification of Attendance

Federal regulations require that students earn their financial aid funds by attending and actively participating in courses. Attendance information is collected from faculty to verify financial aid eligibility. If a student fails to begin attendance in a course, Finger Lakes Community College is required to reduce the student’s financial aid enrollment level and eligibility. If a student is not attending classes, the student is expected to complete the official withdrawal process of the College. To complete the withdrawal process, contact the One-Stop Center.