EMCR-261 Critical Care Emergency Medical Transport- Paramedic Refresher

The CCEMTP certificate and renewal are valid for three years. Part of this renewal process is to provide documentation of thirty-six (36) credits of continuing education (CE) as the ALS level with an emphasis in critical care. One of the ways to obtain continuing education is to attend the CCEMTP original program offered. Lectures and labs are broken into the following modules: Critical Care Environment, Breathing Management, Surgical Airway Management, Hemodynamic Management, Cardiac Management, Pharmacological Management, GI,GU and Renal Management, Neurological Management, Complications of Transport and Special Considerations. A student could arrange through the EMS Programs Coordinator to attend the various modules to gain the required continuing education credits. The student would receive written documentation as to the modules attended with the appropriate credits. The student only need attend the hours needed for the refresher.




Current CCEMTP certification