Children on Campus

The College is an educational enterprise that is focused on adults and generally does not have an environment that is conducive to the presence of children. Students or prospective students should make appropriate childcare arrangements for their children when conducting business at a Finger Lakes Community College site. Bringing children to registrations or classes is strongly discouraged.

The following guidelines apply when it is necessary for children to accompany their parents to the College premises:

  1. Children on campus are to remain in the direct supervision of a parent/guardian. Any unsupervised children may be detained by a College representative. In that event, the child’s parent/guardian will be contacted immediately, and the Campus Police shall be notified.
  2. Children shall not be allowed to disrupt the learning environment. The parent/guardian and child may be asked to leave the classroom or service office at the discretion of the faculty or staff member.
  3. The College may interpret a child’s disruptive behavior as the parent/guardian student’s violation of the Student Code of Conduct.

The College recognizes that many of our students do have childcare needs. In order to assist students in providing appropriate care for their children while coming to the College, a Child Care Center has been established at the main campus. For those students who are unable to utilize the Center, and for students at the Geneva Campus Center, the Victor Campus Center, or the Newark Campus Center, the College provides referral information on other childcare centers.