PLG-250 Paralegal Internship

This course provides the student with the opportunity to gain practical work experience under the supervision of an attorney or experienced paralegal in day-to-day, on-site office work. The student must complete a minimum of 128 hours of internship work at the internship site during the semester, which may be a public or private law office, corporate or government legal department, abstract company, or other appropriate law-related site. It will be the student’s responsibility to secure an internship site with the help of the program director. During the semester, the student must attend three internship seminar sessions in which issues regarding the student’s experiences and the paralegal profession will be discussed. Students will also do an oral presentation and write a paper describing their internship experiences. Internships are subject to the approval of program director as well as availability. Offered on a regular rotating basis.




Attendance at an orientation session held the semester before the internship, completion of 30 credit hours at least nine of which must be paralegal classes including PLG-100 and PLG-125 with a grade of ‘C-’ or better and an overall grade point average of 2.50.