EMCR-300 Advanced Emergency Medical Technician- Original

This course is a more complex course designed for professional rescuers who are interested in expanding and building on their knowledge and skills in the pre-hospital setting. The primary focus of the Advanced Emergency Medical Technician is to provide basic and limited advanced emergency medical care and transportation for critical and emergent patients who access the emergency medical system. This individual possesses the basic knowledge and skills necessary to provide patient care and transportation. Advanced Emergency Medical Technicians function as part of a comprehensive EMS response, under medical oversight. Advanced Emergency Medical Technicians perform interventions with the basic and advanced equipment typically found on an ambulance. The Advanced Emergency Medical Technician is a link from the scene to the emergency health care system. The Advanced Emergency Medical Technician’s scope of practice includes basic, limited advanced and pharmacological interventions to reduce the morbidity and mortality associated with acute out-of-hospital medical and traumatic emergencies. Emergency care is based on assessment findings. Additionally, Advanced Emergency Medical Technicians provide care to minimize secondary injury and provide comfort to the patient and family while transporting the patient to an emergency care facility. Competencies include early recognition, assessment, treatment of the patient and use of advanced airway management and intravenous infusions, defibrillation and designated pharmacological interventions.




just hold current NYS Emergency Medical Technician certification and maintain that certification throughout this entire course.