Center for Student Well-Being

The Center promotes and fosters a holistic approach to student well-being. In-person health and counseling services and virtual medical and mental health appointments are available. We also offer assistance with basic student needs such as food and transportation.

The Center for Student Well-Being offers a wide range of health and wellness services at no cost to FLCC students. All services are offered with a registered nurse or family nurse practitioner. Review the resources below to find the support your need to meet your educational goals. Stop by or schedule an appointment anytime.

Counseling and Mental Health

Counseling is available on a one-to-one basis for students who wish to discuss personal issues affecting their academic experience. Counselors are available to serve as confidential skilled listeners who provide guidance to help students on a short-term basis to clarify issues, resolve conflicts, and learn new ways of coping. 


Virtual Care from Anywhere

FLCC is excited to offer TimelyCare – a telehealth program for students. The service provides access to virtual 24/7 medical and mental health care from anywhere, and with no cost to enrolled, matriculated students!

Get on-demand support from counselors, doctors, nurse practitioners, and more. Services include unlimited medical, TalkNow, psychiatry (with referral), and health coaching visits, and up to 12 counseling appointments.


Information that is shared will not be disclosed without the student's written permission, except in unusual circumstances, such as imminent danger to the student or someone else, reports of sexual harassment or sexual violence as required by Title IX legislation or court subpoena.

Student Health Services

FLCC offers free services for the prevention and treatment of health problems that may impact your academic success or personal well-being. Our services include best-practice protocols and programs for prevention, free and gentle treatment of priority health problems which impact student academic performance.

Student Health Programs

Wellness care, prevention, treatment, and counseling are provided under the direction of a registered nurse. Use the student health portal to schedule a visit for common illnesses (cold & flu), injuries, mental health concerns, and healthy living consultations.

Student Basic Needs

FLCC offers assistance with food, transportation, housing, and other basic human needs. FLCC has limited student emergency funds, sponsored by the FLCC Foundation, for students who find themselves experiencing a financial emergency which jeopardizes their ability to continue to attend FLCC. Student Emergency Funds are NOT a financial aid early disbursal program. It is intended for extreme cases and should be viewed as a last resort after all other options are exhausted.

Additional resources include the On-Campus Food Cupboard, short-term transportation help, and Flick's Place which has a variety of household items including pots, pans, bedding towels, winter jackets, household cleaning items, and variety of hygiene products. These are the general categories of items we typically have available.

Community Standards

FLCC promotes a safe and positive learning environment in and out of the classroom. All students attending the College accept individual responsibilities and are held accountable through FLCC's community standards. At FLCC, you'll have access to resources and forms that fall under community standards, which include the following policies.

  •  Academic Grievance
  • Title IX Grievance
  • Student Code of Conduct
  • Non-Discrimination and Sexual Harassment Policy

Additional information found through the Center for Student Well-Being are the Institutionally Recognized Name Form, the Student Right to Know Information, and the Safety - Prevention and Response.