Learning Framework

Finger Lakes Community College adopted its first official set of college-wide learning outcomes in 1992. This forward-thinking effort created a set of outcomes to guide the educational experiences of all FLCC students regardless of program. In 2014, the faculty undertook a major reform of these outcomes, seeking to update them and ensure they primarily reflect the unique values of an FLCC education. At the same time, changes in SUNY and regional accreditation requirements led the faculty to rethink the basic outcomes that form FLCC’s general education curriculum. At the end of 2014, the Academic Senate approved a new framework that guides the general education curriculum at FLCC. A graphic of the framework is below.


FLCC graduates demonstrate the core FLCC values: Inquiry, Interconnectedness, Perseverance and Vitality

• Inquiry: Pose insightful and productive questions. Generate, evaluate, integrate, and cite compelling evidence to support reasonable conclusions.

• Interconnectedness: Express connections between disciplines with creativity and clarity.

• Perseverance: Take actionable steps to see tasks through to completion, both independently and collaboratively.

• Vitality: Consider the impact of individual action on personal and community well-being, for example physical, environmental, social, occupational, and fiscal wellness.

As part of the Framework, students complete the SUNY approved general education requirements set out by their degree program and approved through our regional accreditation from the Middle States Commission on Higher Education.